We Are Not.. - A “Manifest For Recruiters” (if you want)

The title might sound intriguing and incomplete, ambiguous. Who are we? What are we? what we are not. This might be challenging.

This is about us, the recruiters, what we stand for, particularly what we do not stand for, for some hiring companies. So let’s find out the things that a recruiter (external not in-house) must do/or how they should be according to the mindset of some hiring managers, while paying attention to the fact that the must/should mindset be entirely their responsibility.

We are not:

  • Responsible for your failure as an organizational culture. Let it be known that if there is a high turnover on your part (in your company) it is a consequence of your inadequate management techniques (burdening, unnecessary rules or/and untrained staff). 
  • Our duty as recruiters is to make sure that the candidate lands the best work environment where his/her skills are a very good match. It is only fair that if you ask the so-called “close to perfection” candidate, to be honest with us all (recruiter and candidate) about the role you want to fill. The recruiters will not just fill in empty gaps in your organizational chart so that, for instance, you might give the existing, non-performing staff of yours  some time to breathe until the next quarter. 

We are not:

  • Meant to guarantee you that the candidate will not leave you in x weeks or months. The retention of the employee is in your hands! It is a called-for responsibility and a risk also on your part from day one. The moment the candidate is hired, the recruiter’ job is done (so should the payment be -done with). We already took all the precautions during the hiring process and you drew the line. After this invisible DL, it is up to you to make the candidate stay. It is better to get involved for real in the hiring process than try to mediate after the hiring is done (works for in-house and external recruiters).  Be honest, fair when describing the open role (in 90% of the cases that candidates leave within the trial period because they find out that what was promised is not happening in reality).

We are not:

  • Responsible for your bad image on the open job market. We will do our best to try to understand the problems you are facing when recruiting, verify if what some candidates say might be true, we will advise you, and offer you hints. In 90% of the cases your own, existing employees are undermining your image and ruining  from the start  your recruiting efforts. 

We are not:

  • Going just to deliver you ‘’something/anything’’ for the sake of doing something. 

Give us a job description, explain to us the role, your intention with the candidate, the background, the whole picture. Set the rules from the start, not from after you hire the person. Minimize the risk of losing a good fit, a good match, a great employee. You dishonor everyone in the process and lose credibility as a good employer. 

We are not:

  • Accountable if you get around the truth in the job description and interviews. From our side you will always get the benefit of the doubt and the possibility to make things right from the start.  
  • Your humble servants. 

We are dedicated, we are focused, but if you are looking for servitude look elsewhere. We are business partners (strategic partners) and we build our reputation on principles. We work with people, we establish a connection, we care about these people. Learn to deserve them/us. 


copyright brightANTITY